
皇冠体育 TechOhana –  9 May 2024

加入我们5月9日的下一届皇冠体育技术奥哈纳,了解皇冠体育食品创新中心-包括网络, light refreshments and our guest speakers.

Ian Stewart, Entrepreneurship & Business Development Specialist, Pāoihana项目, 毛伊大学学院, will be joined by Chef Douglas Paul to speak 关于 their inspiring work.

  • Learn 关于 the first value added food manufacturing incubator & 夏威夷加速器 &  the entrepreneurial 项目 and services available at MFIC.
  • Hear 关于 some of the entrepreneurial success stories emerging from the program.
  • Brainstorm how the 皇冠体育 TechOhana might support/benefit from this program.

TechOhana议程- 5月9日

5:15 – 5:45 PM  | Check-in and Networking (供应茶点)

5:45 –  6:30 PM |  Guest speaker with Q & A

下午6:30 |最后的Q&一、网络


1305 N. Holopono Street, Suite 5, Kihei

Livestream tickets will be available and presentation will not be recorded



Ian Stewart – Entrepreneurship & 夏威夷大学皇冠体育学院pwa ' oihana项目业务发展专家

Ian目前在夏威夷大学皇冠体育学院(University of Hawaii 皇冠体育 College, UHMC)的工作是支持创业,这是少数族裔商业发展局(Minority Business Development Agency)颁发的赠款的一部分, 其目的是培育一个充满活力的多元化经济,并通过创业培训和辅导增加少数民族企业.

Prior to starting this new position in January 2024, Ian是皇冠体育食品创新中心的运营经理,他仍然非常专注于支持参与该设施/项目的食品企业家.

Ian为UHMC带来了在商业咨询和经济发展方面的背景,他在英国政府的国际商务部门工作了18年 & Trade Services team based in the Southeast USA. In this capacity he engaged with a myriad of clients from entrepreneurs, start-ups and Fortune 500 to assist with their market entry & international business growth strategies while delivering local, and national job creation and economic growth for public partners. 他的经验涵盖了包括先进制造业在内的一系列知识驱动领域, aerospace and information technology and communications.


当他不在UHMC工作时,你会发现他在纳比利农贸市场支持当地的食品系统和新鲜农产品, 他帮助组织的, or volunteering his time to help maintain a 26-acre tropical fruit farm in Kula. Ian resides with his wife Susan, a physician assistant, in Wailuku.



Douglas Paul is the Chef Instructor at UH 皇冠体育 Food Innovation Center. 他在烹饪界的旅程,展示了各种各样的经验和技能. 毕业于鲍德温高中,并在毛伊大学获得烹饪艺术副学士学位,为他的烹饪教育奠定了基础.

Paul’s time at Roy’s Restaurant as a cook, 之后在拉斯维加斯和皇冠体育的Spago餐厅担任糕点师,度过了一段重要的时期, demonstrates a commitment to honing his craft in various culinary settings. “I ventured into entrepreneurship with “My Office,食物拖车, 作为一个个体经营者,展示了我的创业精神和烹饪技巧.”

作为毛伊大学的总经理,他在索迪斯工作了八年,这让他在烹饪管理方面获得了宝贵的经验, overseeing broader aspects of the culinary domain. 他在毛伊大学的皇冠体育食品创新中心工作了一年,这反映了他对创新和为烹饪领域做出贡献的渴望.

“我对探索和尝试来自世界各地的新食物的热情与我目前在皇冠体育食品创新中心的角色非常吻合. This move indicates a strategic step toward entrepreneurship, suggesting that I aim to not only create but innovate within the culinary industry.”

“当我继续我的旅程, combining my culinary expertise, 管理技能, and entrepreneurial spirit, 很明显,在充满活力的食品和创新世界里,我已经做好了继续取得成功的准备. 我独特的经验和角色的融合无疑有助于我在烹饪领域全面的视角.”







皇冠体育会议, organized by the 皇冠体育 Economic Development Board, Inc., and supported by the County of 皇冠体育, 为任何对毛伊县科技产业感兴趣的人提供非正式的交流机会. Events include a short presentation on a relevant topic in business or technology, 其次是有机会与其他有相似专业兴趣的人交谈.


“It’s a great meeting with a lot of excited and like-minded people.”

“Very friendly, informative and inspiring!”


“Amazing 社区 gathering for networking.”


皇冠体育 Food Innovation Center talks story and technology at 皇冠体育 TechOhana

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